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Local Children Plant Bulbs at Frosterley Station

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Pupils from Frosterley Primary School visited their local station on Friday 18th November to plant spring flower bulbs in the planters along the platform with Claire Gibbons of The Auckland Project (TAP) and Kim Coleman, a volunteer of the Weardale Railway Trust.

This follows an initiative started by the Trust to bring the local community and the railway together and is being built on by Claire, who is the Senior Community Liaison Officer for TAP.

We look forward to seeing the results of their hard work in the spring!

The pictures courtesy of Claire show the children busy at Frosterley Station and are used with kind permission of Frosterley Primary School.


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The Weardale Railway Trust - Company Number 03226401 & Charity Number 1088897

Weardale Railway Heritage Services Ltd - Company Number 08862300

Registered Office: Stanhope Station, Station Road, Stanhope, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL13 2YS


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